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11 Jul 2017 Needless to say having the perfect app store listing is a must. Google Play's screenshot dimension requirements is pretty standard, with them
Both Google Play Store & apple App Store have the same purpose to search, an icon or logo, screenshots or image gallery, reviews and probably a video or trailer. App Store collected $5.4 billion in the last quarter, and Google Play Store earned first two lines are essential especially in the case of newer iPhone sizes.
27 Apr 2017 Including the icon in the middle of the feature graphic is, in our determine which feature best converts users; Add social proof – reinforce how many downloads TWC has earned, weather channel google play feature graphic are of a different size than those in the screenshots, which seems strange.
Make a compelling Google Play Store listing to drive more installs Include multiple screenshots that cover all the screen sizes your app runs on, with portrait
14 Jul 2017 The Google Play Store is different from Apple's App Store, so it's the quality guidelines and best practices that Google Play encourages. . customization options that require players to continue to play to earn them. Always use the best high-resolution images possible for your app icon and screenshots.
  graphics, screenshots, and videos you'll add to your app's Play Store page. Let the Play Store know which Android versions and device screen sizes your app is Google Play can then review your app and, once approved, make it more and retention in your app, growing your audience, and earning more revenue.
By adding screenshots and video that showcase your app's features and app's Store Listing page, you can help your app attract new users on Google Play.
21 Mar 2017 There are no hard and fast rules—what looks good is subjective, after all—but there are Apple's App Store and Google Play are awash with customisable Sure, it wasn't their screenshots that earned the developers this
Hi there,. On Google Play Store you can (and should!) upload 2 to 8 screenshots for each The size recommendations on Google Play aren't as strict as they are for iTunes Connect. There is a minium How much money can an Android developer earn from a free app on the Google Play store? How can I install the Google
Learn how to get your app into the Windows Store and offer it to customers Store icon displayed in a PC screen. Microsoft Store Policies. Learn about the certification requirements that apply to all Windows apps The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and the Microsoft Store give your apps lots of ways to earn money,
