Because this is a PvP world pure not a BH pure I felt it belonged since RuneScape gold the PvP worlds aren't a mingame as such. Right well in the moment my primary account is stuck in F2P for the minute except to pass the time I thought I'd return to an accounts (pure) I made while the wildy was still there quite after BH arrived and'm looking about starting back with together with the introduction of PvP worlds. Oh and if you're wondering it's the lamest name. It is called...'Reaper 0wnge' trust me if you could change acc. Names I would. Ability - Current/Goal. Attk - 40/40. Str - 50/60 (60+?) .

Def - 5/5 (Do not ask me why I have 5 def. Made acc. Long time agho and also late to change now). Shouldn't take long.) . HP - 44/Whatever it finishes up at. Should I raises either and if so why? Current Combat level is 41. Equipment I plan to PK in. Complete Steel Helm. Str Ammy. Steel Plate. Steel Kite. Green d'hide vambs. Rune Scimmy. SoS Boots. I'd also like some general guidance one the way to PK with this particular setup and those levels. Use any variety at all? Ideas, comments and ideas all welcome.

I have heard that you can make 900k a hour by double crafting nature runes. I dont have 91 so I had been wondering about solitary crafting. Just how much money can you make per hour if crafting nature runes per hour and whats the best way to craft them? I had been thinking about crafting these instead of fishing monkfish. Will those be better money thank monks? Runecraft is definitley a precious skill, nats make loads and when you strike legislation the gains get better. Dual nats is the fastest cash in the game AFAIK but in all honesty I consider it an unachievable goal.

If you can muster Graahks then they're the best way to craft nats, otherwise the abyss is the thing to do, although in the event that you do not like danger then you can utilize fairy rings. Wear the lightest clothing you can whatever the procedure and if you are in the abyss recall a pickaxe. In terms of contrast to monkfish and real figures, they're more difficult to come by and I have not done it in a while but in the present time there's 100gp gain per rune. Even without pouches that is almost 3k a run and in the abyss you can perform a run in just over a minute. Mind you, this can be fairly intensive and there's an investment required in nature and glories - personalities pursuit is a must. Also, you'll need energy containers if you want to go full steam and meals and guts are essential for your abyss. It's hell to get back pliers if you don't have fairy ring access so keep this in mind also.

Given my levels and gear what is the best monster I could kill for a fantastic profit. Alrighty so I'm just gont create one thread for all the things I am wondering about, I checked all the ability manuals and Q as and do not remember seeing these requested. If they were I apologize. Firemaking/Cooking: Do better logs = less opportunity to burn things while cooking? Otherwise FM does nothing for f2p members... Mining: A lengthy time ago I heard a rumor that more power = faster mining. Is this accurate? If it is is it strength level, strength bonus, or strength prayer bonus? Great Orb Project: Ess obtained and buy OSRS gold crafted throughout match, experience influenced by FoG runecrafting gloves or not?