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10 Mar 2017
30 Oct 2017 Demon Hunter build for endgame solo progression and speed farming, based around Multishot with the Unhallowed Essence set.Updated for This is a versatile build, able to handle all three major activities in the game (Greater Rifts, Normal Rifts and Bounties) with the adjustments outlined in this guide.
15 Apr 2016 Convention of Elements. Hey Everyone! Back with more DH Build Guides for Season 6, this written guides covers off the ever unchanging Unhallowed Essence! Most gear remains the same from previous Seasons, but with a few tweaks to the set bonus UE is now ripping through solo GR's ! Here is my gear
8 Nov 2017 Demon Hunter beginner guide for leveling, building a fresh 70 and using Haedrig's Gift to start farming end-game content. Updated for If you do a few Greater Rifts early on, which is highly advisable to get started with Legendary Gems, you can try to fit Bane of the Trapped in a jewelry socket. Skill-wise
13 Nov 2017 Enter your battetag into the top left banner form to help us populate the database. Additional filters to check those who play with elemental damage - currently considered as those with at least 21% in arcane, cold, lightning, fire, holy, physical or poison elements. As the max amount is usually 20% for one
3 Mar 2015 Hello guys it's AOD here with a new demon hunter video guide. In this one i will be showing you what is in my opinion the fastest way to farm torment 6 rifts or lower greater rifts. I will go over the gear/gems and the builds to achieve this. You might be wondering why? I mean everyone can do t6 nowadays
13 Nov 2017 Enter your battetag into the top left banner form to help us populate the database. Additional filters to check those who play with elemental damage - currently considered as those with at least 21% in arcane, cold, lightning, fire, holy, physical or poison elements. As the max amount is usually 20% for one
30 Oct 2017 Demon Hunter build for endgame solo progression and speed farming, based around Impale with the Shadow set.Updated for Patch This is a versatile build, able to handle all three major activities in the game (Greater Rifts, Normal Rifts and Bounties) with the adjustments outlined in this guide. It is not
7 Jul 2017
17 Jun 2017